Thursday, December 13, 2012


Braylyn lost her first tooth! The toothfairy brought her 3 silver coins.

Cindy and I took Bray and Coop to see Disney on Ice. He was mesmerized. 

To my surprise, we had no tears or screaming when the kids visited Santa.

She loves her blanky!

Lydia has started eating more foods. She especially loves her snacks.

And Cooper loves to read the tag books.

The kids thought it was hilarious to find Linney like this.

I was attempting to fold some laundry and she thought she was helping me.

We recently painted the living room. Here is the outcome. Grey walls and white trim!

Christmas Baking

Today we decided to make some cut out sugar cookies and decorate them!

Playing Around

While Braylyn has been busy with her book reports the past few weeks, the little two and I get to have some play time together.

(He was standing nicely for the picture and fell as soon as I pushed the button.)

My Growing Children

I can't believe how fast time goes by. Here are some recent pictures of the kids. They look so big.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

I know, I know, it's been forever!! Here is a little bit of what's been going on in our lives lately. Lydia started pulling up to everything recently. She can even make it all the way up the stairs. Cooper is talking up a storm. He repeats almost everything and it's amazing to watch him learn new things. He also loves to play Angry Birds on my phone. He's become quite skilled. He also loves Mickey Mouse. Braylyn is loving kindergarten. She is learning to write words and read a little more every day. She's very smart. She's also been taking gymnastics and is loving it. She's getting better every week. And she's also getting stronger and more coordinated. Andy and I are doing great and if you haven't heard we are expecting number 4 in April! Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks and Halloween.