Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Celebrating Christmas

This year we enjoyed spending Christmas Day at home! We went to Andy's moms on Christmas Eve and celebrated with them. It was a much more relaxed Christmas and stress free. I think the kids enjoyed spending the day playing with their gifts and having family come over! It is a blessing to watch there faces light up when they open gifts. We tried to keep it minimal this year and to keep the focus more on the birth of Jesus. We got together with the Williams family and had a little birthday party for Jesus!

Needless to say Raleigh wasn't having any part of visiting Santa.

Rader Farms and Fall 2014

So to take it back a little now and play catch up on the latter part of 2014. We spent a great deal of time at Rader Family Farms again this fall. The kids never tire of all the fun stuff to do. We bought our pumpkins there again and all we were involved in the carving this year!
We also had a little girl turn 8, which makes her seem not so little anymore. And a little boy turn 4, wow has time flown by, please sloooooow down! Beware....overload of pictures below!

This is a favorite at the farm....Corny Bins!

Oh how we miss playing outside everyday! Warm weather come back soon please!

Cooper and Braylyn got new bikes for their birthdays!